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Sourcing project research should have the end product of strings that include the maximum amount of terms that include: 1) job titles 2) Keywords (tools, task, techniques, trade organizations) 3) Companies (related, competitors) 4) Location

9 Steps of Sourcing

If you want improve as a sourcer, the question of “how do I get better” is too broad. A better approach is looking at each step of sourcing and finding a way to become a little faster, a little more accurate, or find a few more people. 9 steps are: Intake. Research. String. Scan. Store. […]

Buying a Sourcing Tool

Build before you buy. Before you buy anything, try to do it in a spreadsheet. If you don’t know how, ask 5 people you know who are good with spreadsheets. if they don’t know, ask an online sourcing community. If they don’t know, you can probably buy that sourcing tool knowing there wasn’t a cheaper […]

The S.P.A.M Principle and LinkedIn Dominance

There have been many contenders for the next big thing in recruiting and hiring software, but no one has been able to overtake LinkedIn the same way it dethroned the job boards of Web 1.0 and created a whole professional identity ecosystem. They lost a recent Internet popularity contest with policy changes involving freezing user […]

10 Steps for Tech Recruiter Interview Prep

Learn the basic boolean operators and signs: AND (Connects concepts), OR (Connects descriptors of a concept), OR commands are enclosed in “(…)” and create search strings looking for candidates. Figure out what NOT does. Use search strings and the “site:” operator on Google to xray Linkedin and test your strings. Are you finding who you […]